package com.robotium.solo; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.InputDevice; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.Window; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.TextView; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * Contains various click methods. Examples are: clickOn(), * clickOnText(), clickOnScreen(). * * @author Renas Reda, * */ class Clicker { private final ActivityUtils activityUtils; private final ViewFetcher viewFetcher; private final Instrumentation inst; private final Sender sender; private final Sleeper sleeper; private final Waiter waiter; private final WebUtils webUtils; private final DialogUtils dialogUtils; private final ScreenshotTaker screenshotTaker; private final int MINI_WAIT = 300; private final int WAIT_TIME = 1500; private final Activity context; private final Solo.Config config; public HashMap<Integer, int[]> clickeds = new HashMap<>(); /** * Constructs this object. * * @param activityUtils the {@code ActivityUtils} instance * @param viewFetcher the {@code ViewFetcher} instance * @param sender the {@code Sender} instance * @param inst the {@code} instance * @param sleeper the {@code Sleeper} instance * @param waiter the {@code Waiter} instance * @param webUtils the {@code WebUtils} instance * @param dialogUtils the {@code DialogUtils} instance * @param config the {@link Solo.Config} instance. * @param context the start {@link Activity}. */ public Clicker(Solo.Config config, ActivityUtils activityUtils, ViewFetcher viewFetcher, Sender sender, Instrumentation inst, Sleeper sleeper, Waiter waiter, WebUtils webUtils, DialogUtils dialogUtils, Activity context) { this.activityUtils = activityUtils; this.viewFetcher = viewFetcher; this.sender = sender; this.inst = inst; this.sleeper = sleeper; this.waiter = waiter; this.webUtils = webUtils; this.dialogUtils = dialogUtils; this.screenshotTaker = new ScreenshotTaker(config, inst, activityUtils, viewFetcher, sleeper); this.config = config; this.context = context; } /** * Screenshot with click coordinates * @param view view */ private void takeScreenshot(View view){ if (!config.iterationScreenShots){ return; } if (view == null){ Log.w(Solo.LOG_TAG, "view is null"); return; } if (!view.isShown()){ Log.w(Solo.LOG_TAG, view + " not shown"); return; } int xy[] = new int[2]; view.getLocationOnScreen(xy); float watermark_x = xy[0] + view.getWidth() / 2.0f; float watermark_y = xy[1] + view.getHeight() / 2.0f; // The watermark is displayed in half. int [] wh = DesignUtils.getDisplayWH(context); int height = wh[1]; String name = view.getContext().getClass().getName(); if (watermark_y > height) watermark_y = height - DesignUtils.px2dip(context, 100); Log.d(Solo.LOG_TAG, "takeScreenshot(\""+name+"\", "+view+")"); screenshotTaker.takeScreenshot(name + "/" + TimeUtils.getDate(), 20, watermark_x, watermark_y); sleeper.sleep(100); } /** * Clicks on a given coordinate on the screen. * * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate */ public void clickOnScreen(float x, float y, View view) { if (view == null){ Log.w(Solo.LOG_TAG, "view is null"); return; } if (!view.isShown()){ Log.w(Solo.LOG_TAG, view + " not shown"); return; } int xy1[] = new int[2]; view.getLocationOnScreen(xy1); // If activity is a login activity, has been clicked to continue to click. if (!view.getContext().toString().contains(config.loginActivity)) { // Remove view that have been clicked. for (HashMap.Entry<Integer, int[]> entry : clickeds.entrySet()) { if (view.getId() == entry.getKey() && xy1[0] == entry.getValue()[0] && xy1[1] == entry.getValue()[1]) { Log.w(Solo.LOG_TAG, view + " is clicked, ignore it."); return; } } } takeScreenshot(view); int xy[] = new int[2]; view.getLocationOnScreen(xy); if (view.getId() != -1)clickeds.put(view.getId(), xy); // If true, double click on View. click(x, y); } /** * Clicks on a given coordinate on the screen. * * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate */ private void click(float x, float y){ long downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime, eventTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, x, y, 0); MotionEvent event2 = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime, eventTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, x, y, 0); event.setSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); event2.setSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); inst.sendPointerSync(event); inst.sendPointerSync(event2); event.recycle(); event2.recycle(); } /** * Clicks on a given coordinate on the screen from web view. * * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate */ public void clickOnScreenForWeb(float x, float y) { click(x, y); } /** * Long clicks a given coordinate on the screen. * * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate * @param time the amount of time to long click */ public void clickLongOnScreen(float x, float y, int time, View view) { boolean successfull = false; int retry = 0; SecurityException ex = null; long downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime, eventTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, x, y, 0); while(!successfull && retry < 5) { try{ inst.sendPointerSync(event); successfull = true; sleeper.sleep(MINI_WAIT); }catch(SecurityException e){ ex = e; dialogUtils.hideSoftKeyboard(null, false, true); sleeper.sleep(MINI_WAIT); retry++; View identicalView = viewFetcher.getIdenticalView(view); if(identicalView != null){ float[] xyToClick = getClickCoordinates(identicalView); x = xyToClick[0]; y = xyToClick[1]; } } } if(!successfull) { Log.w(Solo.LOG_TAG, "Long click at ("+x+", "+y+") can not be completed! ("+(ex != null ? ex.getClass().getName()+": "+ex.getMessage() : "null")+")"); } eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); event = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime, eventTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, x + 1.0f, y + 1.0f, 0); inst.sendPointerSync(event); if(time > 0) sleeper.sleep(time); else sleeper.sleep((int)(ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout() * 2.5f)); eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); event = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime, eventTime, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, x, y, 0); inst.sendPointerSync(event); sleeper.sleep(); } /** * Clicks on a given {@link View}. * * @param view the view that should be clicked */ public void clickOnScreen(View view) { clickOnScreen(view, false, 0); } /** * Private method used to click on a given view. * * @param view the view that should be clicked * @param longClick true if the click should be a long click * @param time the amount of time to long click */ public void clickOnScreen(View view, boolean longClick, int time) { if(view == null){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "The view is null and can therefore not be clicked!"); return; } float[] xyToClick = getClickCoordinates(view); float x = xyToClick[0]; float y = xyToClick[1]; if(x == 0 || y == 0){ sleeper.sleepMini(); try { view = viewFetcher.getIdenticalView(view); } catch (Exception ignored){} if(view != null){ xyToClick = getClickCoordinates(view); x = xyToClick[0]; y = xyToClick[1]; } } if (longClick) clickLongOnScreen(x, y, time, view); else clickOnScreen(x, y, view); } /** * Returns click coordinates for the specified view. * * @param view the view to get click coordinates from * @return click coordinates for a specified view */ private float[] getClickCoordinates(View view){ sleeper.sleep(200); int[] xyLocation = new int[2]; float[] xyToClick = new float[2]; view.getLocationOnScreen(xyLocation); final int viewWidth = view.getWidth(); final int viewHeight = view.getHeight(); final float x = xyLocation[0] + (viewWidth / 2.0f); float y = xyLocation[1] + (viewHeight / 2.0f); xyToClick[0] = x; xyToClick[1] = y; return xyToClick; } /** * Long clicks on a specific {@link TextView} and then selects * an item from the context menu that appears. Will automatically scroll when needed. * * @param text the text that should be clicked on. The parameter <strong>will</strong> be interpreted as a regular expression. * @param index the index of the menu item that should be pressed */ public void clickLongOnTextAndPress(String text, int index) { clickOnText(text, true, 0, true, 0); dialogUtils.waitForDialogToOpen(Timeout.getSmallTimeout(), true); try{ inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN); }catch(SecurityException e){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "Can not press the context menu!"); } for(int i = 0; i < index; i++) { sleeper.sleepMini(); inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN); } inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER); } /** * Opens the menu and waits for it to open. */ private void openMenu(){ sleeper.sleepMini(); if(!dialogUtils.waitForDialogToOpen(MINI_WAIT, false)) { try{ sender.sendKeyCode(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU); dialogUtils.waitForDialogToOpen(WAIT_TIME, true); }catch(SecurityException e){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "Can not open the menu!"); } } } /** * Clicks on a menu item with a given text. * * @param text the menu text that should be clicked on. The parameter <strong>will</strong> be interpreted as a regular expression. */ public void clickOnMenuItem(String text) { openMenu(); clickOnText(text, false, 1, true, 0); } /** * Clicks on a menu item with a given text. * * @param text the menu text that should be clicked on. The parameter <strong>will</strong> be interpreted as a regular expression. * @param subMenu true if the menu item could be located in a sub menu */ public void clickOnMenuItem(String text, boolean subMenu) { sleeper.sleepMini(); TextView textMore = null; int [] xy = new int[2]; int x = 0; int y = 0; if(!dialogUtils.waitForDialogToOpen(MINI_WAIT, false)) { try{ sender.sendKeyCode(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU); dialogUtils.waitForDialogToOpen(WAIT_TIME, true); }catch(SecurityException e){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "Can not open the menu!"); } } boolean textShown = waiter.waitForText(text, 1, WAIT_TIME, true) != null; if(subMenu && (viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(TextView.class, true).size() > 5) && !textShown){ for(TextView textView : viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(TextView.class, true)){ x = xy[0]; y = xy[1]; textView.getLocationOnScreen(xy); if(xy[0] > x || xy[1] > y) textMore = textView; } } if(textMore != null) clickOnScreen(textMore); clickOnText(text, false, 1, true, 0); } /** * Clicks on an ActionBar item with a given resource id * * @param resourceId the of the ActionBar item */ public void clickOnActionBarItem(int resourceId){ sleeper.sleep(); Activity activity = activityUtils.getCurrentActivity(); if(activity != null){ inst.invokeMenuActionSync(activity, resourceId, 0); } } /** * Clicks on an ActionBar Home/Up button. */ public void clickOnActionBarHomeButton() { Activity activity = activityUtils.getCurrentActivity(); MenuItem homeMenuItem = null; try { Class<?> cls = Class.forName(""); Class<?> partypes[] = new Class[6]; partypes[0] = Context.class; partypes[1] = Integer.TYPE; partypes[2] = Integer.TYPE; partypes[3] = Integer.TYPE; partypes[4] = Integer.TYPE; partypes[5] = CharSequence.class; Constructor<?> ct = cls.getConstructor(partypes); Object argList[] = new Object[6]; argList[0] = activity; argList[1] = 0; argList[2] =; argList[3] = 0; argList[4] = 0; argList[5] = ""; homeMenuItem = (MenuItem) ct.newInstance(argList); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.d(Solo.LOG_TAG, "Can not find methods to invoke Home button!"); } if (homeMenuItem != null) { try{ activity.getWindow().getCallback().onMenuItemSelected(Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL, homeMenuItem); }catch(Exception ignored) {} } } /** * Clicks on a web element using the given By method. * * @param by the By object e.g."id"); * @param match if multiple objects match, this determines which one will be clicked * @param scroll true if scrolling should be performed * @param useJavaScriptToClick true if click should be perfomed through JavaScript */ public void clickOnWebElement(By by, int match, boolean scroll, boolean useJavaScriptToClick){ WebElement webElement = null; if(useJavaScriptToClick){ webElement = waiter.waitForWebElement(by, match, Timeout.getSmallTimeout(), false); if(webElement == null){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "WebElement with " + webUtils.splitNameByUpperCase(by.getClass().getSimpleName()) + ": '" + by.getValue() + "' is not found!"); } webUtils.executeJavaScript(by, true); return; } WebElement webElementToClick = waiter.waitForWebElement(by, match, Timeout.getSmallTimeout(), scroll); if(webElementToClick == null){ if(match > 1) { Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, match + " WebElements with " + webUtils.splitNameByUpperCase(by.getClass().getSimpleName()) + ": '" + by.getValue() + "' are not found!"); } else { Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "WebElement with " + webUtils.splitNameByUpperCase(by.getClass().getSimpleName()) + ": '" + by.getValue() + "' is not found!"); } return; } clickOnScreen(webElementToClick.getLocationX(), webElementToClick.getLocationY(), null); } /** * Clicks on a specific {@link TextView} displaying a given text. * * @param regex the text that should be clicked on. The parameter <strong>will</strong> be interpreted as a regular expression. * @param longClick {@code true} if the click should be a long click * @param match the regex match that should be clicked on * @param scroll true if scrolling should be performed * @param time the amount of time to long click */ public void clickOnText(String regex, boolean longClick, int match, boolean scroll, int time) { TextView textToClick = waiter.waitForText(regex, match, Timeout.getSmallTimeout(), scroll, true, false); if (textToClick != null) { clickOnScreen(textToClick, longClick, time); } else { if(match > 1){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, match + " matches of text string: '" + regex + "' are not found!"); } else{ ArrayList<TextView> allTextViews = RobotiumUtils.removeInvisibleViews(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(TextView.class, true)); allTextViews.addAll((Collection<? extends TextView>) webUtils.getTextViewsFromWebView()); for (TextView textView : allTextViews) { Log.d(Solo.LOG_TAG, "'" + regex + "' not found. Have found: '" + textView.getText() + "'"); } allTextViews = null; Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "Text string: '" + regex + "' is not found!"); } } } /** * Clicks on a {@code View} of a specific class, with a given text. * * @param viewClass what kind of {@code View} to click, e.g. {@code Button.class} or {@code TextView.class} * @param nameRegex the name of the view presented to the user. The parameter <strong>will</strong> be interpreted as a regular expression. */ public <T extends TextView> void clickOn(Class<T> viewClass, String nameRegex) { T viewToClick = (T) waiter.waitForText(viewClass, nameRegex, 0, Timeout.getSmallTimeout(), true, true, false); if (viewToClick != null) { clickOnScreen(viewToClick); } else { ArrayList <T> allTextViews = RobotiumUtils.removeInvisibleViews(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(viewClass, true)); for (T view : allTextViews) { Log.d(Solo.LOG_TAG, "'" + nameRegex + "' not found. Have found: '" + view.getText() + "'"); } Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, viewClass.getSimpleName() + " with text: '" + nameRegex + "' is not found!"); } } /** * Clicks on a {@code View} of a specific class, with a certain index. * * @param viewClass what kind of {@code View} to click, e.g. {@code Button.class} or {@code ImageView.class} * @param index the index of the {@code View} to be clicked, within {@code View}s of the specified class */ public <T extends View> void clickOn(Class<T> viewClass, int index) { clickOnScreen(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, viewClass)); } /** * Clicks on a certain list line and returns the {@link TextView}s that * the list line is showing. Will use the first list it finds. * * @param line the line that should be clicked * @return a {@code List} of the {@code TextView}s located in the list line */ public ArrayList<TextView> clickInList(int line) { return clickInList(line, 0, 0, false, 0); } /** * Clicks on a View with a specified resource id located in a specified list line * * @param line the line where the View is located * @param id the resource id of the View */ public void clickInList(int line, int id) { clickInList(line, 0, id, false, 0); } /** * Clicks on a certain list line on a specified List and * returns the {@link TextView}s that the list line is showing. * * @param line the line that should be clicked * @param index the index of the list. E.g. Index 1 if two lists are available * @param id the resource id of the View to click * @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@code TextView}s located in the list line */ public ArrayList<TextView> clickInList(int line, int index, int id, boolean longClick, int time) { final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + Timeout.getSmallTimeout(); int lineIndex = line - 1; if(lineIndex < 0) lineIndex = 0; ArrayList<View> views = new ArrayList<View>(); final AbsListView absListView = waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, AbsListView.class); if(absListView == null){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "AbsListView is null!"); return RobotiumUtils.filterViews(TextView.class, views); } failIfIndexHigherThenChildCount(absListView, lineIndex, endTime); View viewOnLine = getViewOnAbsListLine(absListView, index, lineIndex); if(viewOnLine != null){ views = viewFetcher.getViews(viewOnLine, true); views = RobotiumUtils.removeInvisibleViews(views); if(id == 0){ clickOnScreen(viewOnLine, longClick, time); } else{ clickOnScreen(getView(id, views)); } } return RobotiumUtils.filterViews(TextView.class, views); } /** * Clicks on a certain list line and returns the {@link TextView}s that * the list line is showing. Will use the first list it finds. * * @param line the line that should be clicked * @return a {@code List} of the {@code TextView}s located in the list line */ public ArrayList<TextView> clickInRecyclerView(int line) { return clickInRecyclerView(line, 0, 0, false, 0); } public ArrayList<TextView> clickInRecyclerView(ViewGroup recyclerView, int line) { return clickInRecyclerView(recyclerView, line, 0, 0, false, 0); } /** * Clicks on a View with a specified resource id located in a specified RecyclerView itemIndex * * @param itemIndex the index where the View is located * @param id the resource id of the View */ public void clickInRecyclerView(ViewGroup recyclerView, int itemIndex, int id) { clickInRecyclerView(recyclerView, itemIndex, 0, id, false, 0); } /** * Clicks on a certain list line on a specified List and * returns the {@link TextView}s that the list line is showing. * * @param itemIndex the item index that should be clicked * @param recyclerViewIndex the index of the RecyclerView. E.g. Index 1 if two RecyclerViews are available * @param id the resource id of the View to click * @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@code TextView}s located in the list line */ public ArrayList<TextView> clickInRecyclerView(int itemIndex, int recyclerViewIndex, int id, boolean longClick, int time) { View viewOnLine = null; final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + Timeout.getSmallTimeout(); if(itemIndex < 0) itemIndex = 0; ArrayList<View> views = new ArrayList<View>(); ViewGroup recyclerView = viewFetcher.getRecyclerView(recyclerViewIndex, Timeout.getSmallTimeout()); if(recyclerView == null){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "RecyclerView is not found!"); return RobotiumUtils.filterViews(TextView.class, views); } else{ failIfIndexHigherThenChildCount(recyclerView, itemIndex, endTime); viewOnLine = getViewOnRecyclerItemIndex((ViewGroup) recyclerView, recyclerViewIndex, itemIndex); } if(viewOnLine != null){ views = viewFetcher.getViews(viewOnLine, true); views = RobotiumUtils.removeInvisibleViews(views); if(id == 0){ clickOnScreen(viewOnLine, longClick, time); } else{ clickOnScreen(getView(id, views)); } } return RobotiumUtils.filterViews(TextView.class, views); } public ArrayList<TextView> clickInRecyclerView(ViewGroup recyclerView, int itemIndex, int recyclerViewIndex, int id, boolean longClick, int time) { View viewOnLine = null; final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + Timeout.getSmallTimeout(); if(itemIndex < 0) itemIndex = 0; ArrayList<View> views = new ArrayList<View>(); if(recyclerView == null){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "RecyclerView is not found!"); return RobotiumUtils.filterViews(TextView.class, views); } else{ failIfIndexHigherThenChildCount(recyclerView, itemIndex, endTime); viewOnLine = getViewOnRecyclerItemIndex(recyclerView, recyclerViewIndex, itemIndex); } if(viewOnLine != null){ views = viewFetcher.getViews(viewOnLine, true); views = RobotiumUtils.removeInvisibleViews(views); if(id == 0){ clickOnScreen(viewOnLine, longClick, time); } else{ clickOnScreen(getView(id, views)); } } return RobotiumUtils.filterViews(TextView.class, views); } private View getView(int id, List<View> views){ for(View view : views){ if(id == view.getId()){ return view; } } return null; } private void failIfIndexHigherThenChildCount(ViewGroup viewGroup, int index, long endTime){ while(index > viewGroup.getChildCount()){ final boolean timedOut = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > endTime; if (timedOut){ int numberOfIndexes = viewGroup.getChildCount(); Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "Can not click on index " + index + " as there are only " + numberOfIndexes + " indexes available"); break; } sleeper.sleep(); } } /** * Returns the view in the specified list line * * @param absListView the ListView to use * @param index the index of the list. E.g. Index 1 if two lists are available * @param lineIndex the line index of the View * @return the View located at a specified list line */ private View getViewOnAbsListLine(AbsListView absListView, int index, int lineIndex){ final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + Timeout.getSmallTimeout(); View view = absListView.getChildAt(lineIndex); while(view == null){ final boolean timedOut = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > endTime; if (timedOut){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "View is null and can therefore not be clicked!"); break; } sleeper.sleep(); absListView = (AbsListView) viewFetcher.getIdenticalView(absListView); if(absListView == null){ absListView = waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, AbsListView.class); } view = absListView.getChildAt(lineIndex); } return view; } /** * Returns the view in the specified item index * * @param recyclerView the RecyclerView to use * @param itemIndex the item index of the View * @return the View located at a specified item index */ private View getViewOnRecyclerItemIndex(ViewGroup recyclerView, int recyclerViewIndex, int itemIndex){ final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + Timeout.getSmallTimeout(); View view = recyclerView.getChildAt(itemIndex); while(view == null){ final boolean timedOut = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > endTime; if (timedOut){ Log.e(Solo.LOG_TAG, "View is null and can therefore not be clicked!"); break; } sleeper.sleep(); recyclerView = (ViewGroup) viewFetcher.getIdenticalView(recyclerView); if(recyclerView == null){ recyclerView = (ViewGroup) viewFetcher.getRecyclerView(false, recyclerViewIndex); } if(recyclerView != null){ view = recyclerView.getChildAt(itemIndex); } } return view; } }